Thursday, November 15, 2007

QTB presentation - Don't underestimate your customer experience

So I had a fantastic opportunity this week, which was to present the ThoughtWorks 'Quarterly Technology Briefings' on not underestimating your Customer Experience. Presentations happened in both Sydney (Tues) and Melbourne (Thurs), to audiences of 180+ attendees in each city, ranging from middle managers through to CEOs.

I have wanted for a long time to consolidate my viewpoints on the subject, into a manageable, punchy message and the QTB provided my motivation. I spent a long time toiling over the 'story' and the content and after much editing I got to the stage that I read it 5 times consecutively and hadn't made a fresh edit I knew I had it well baked.

To be honest I wouldn't have cared if no-one liked the presentation as I was extremely happy with what I produced and the delivery. As it happened I got some great feedback which really made me think that my hard work had paid off.

More to the point, is that with such a great turn out, it was very encouraging to think that business are taking this subject seriously and are eager to find out how to make their customer experiences better. Having a captive audience makes the doing my job much easier.

So thanks to everyone who encouraged me, supported me and of course all the people who attended.

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